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Maple X came to light during the 2018 maple syrup season – a rigorous month of trekking through the woods, tapping trees, collecting sap and boiling it down, collecting more sap and boiling it further towards syrup…

Midway through one such cycle, I decided to test the sugar concentration of the partially reduced sap in the pan. The hydrometer read 10, or X, percent. Logarithmically speaking, that’s about half-way between sap (aka maple water) and syrup. Also, it’s about the same sugar content of your standard soft-drink. I took a sip and: Eureka! It was delicious.

That’s when the light bulb clicked on – or maybe that was the sun peeking up over the horizon. Either way, it was the dawning of a ‘new’ product.

The original incarnation of this drink is hundreds – if not thousands – of years old. It would have pre-dated the first maple syrup brewed up in hollowed out logs. Many maple farmers are familiar with this form of the product. In Quebec they refer to it simply as réduit, but we like to call it Maple X.


Maple X: think of it as maple sap boiled partway to syrup – to a 10% sugar concentration. We’re in our second year of selling our maple drink and are now in 80 stores. This distancing has removed maple festivals, markets and in-store demos that are critical to our sales model. Despite the thousand-year-old recipe, the idea of a maple drink is new to potential consumers. When people try it, however, it’s easy to love. A delicious, nutritious and all-natural drink. Try it!

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